Back in November I went on my first solo! The weather that day wasn't that great, but I was still able to takeoff. However, after going around the pattern I went into the break to do my first touch-and-go when the RSU (they are like the control tower) told me that I needed to make this one a full stop landing due to the bad weather coming in and visibility dropping. Sadly, I did as they request. From pushing the power up to leave the runway to touching my mains down and rolling out on my one and only landing, I was up in the air for a total whopping 8 minutes. I believe I had the shortest first solo out of everyone in my class.
But don't worry, since that first solo, I have soloed two more time. These ones I went out to the area and did
all my acrobatic maneuvers!
Then when I thought I couldn't do any more out in the practice area I came back and did several overhead patterns and touch-and-goes. It was great time! I wish everyone could experience what I am able to do.